This good deed was sent in by Diane P.   She wanted to share the wonderful thing her boyfriend had done. The following is in her own words.

“I have to brag about my boyfriend, Rob C….We were at Provinos last night for dinner and, of course, had to sit in my friend, Kelly C’s section.   After we finished our delicious meal, a family of 3 came in and sat at a table across from us.   The parents wanted to take their son out for dinner. They could not afford much so they were asking Kelly lots of questions about the menu and ways to save. They wanted their son to have the free meal for his birthday and the parents were just going to eat salad and bread. Rob decided that he wanted to do something special.   He purchased a gift card and had Kelly pay for their meal with it. To witness such an act of kindness brings tears of joy to my eyes. Rob you are the best boyfriend ever.”

Rob C., God Bless you for leading by example with such a Glorious Good Deed.


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